You are about to enter into the age of advanced radiolocalization technology!
HuntMaster software package when connected to appropriate Radio Direction Finding Instruments, GPS and radio receivers, makes up a complete radiogoneometric system with mapping and triangulation capabilities.
This software is intended for professional localization of RF signal sources. Been specially suited for object localization (by means of beacons), interference localization, and pasive intelligence information gathering.
RDF Products:
RDF Products designs and manufactures professional-quality radio direction finding (DF) equipment for fixed-site, land-mobile, airports and shipboard and airborne DF missions. These DF systems are carefully designed precision-built units employing true
Adcock/Watson-Watt DF technology, and have been extensively and effectively deployed for a wide variety of radio emitter location requirements for many years.
Over 400 systems have been deployed world-wide.
The RDF product includes a complete end-to-end solution for all your DF and interference needs:
- Frequency coverage from 20-3000MHz
- Land and mobile DF solutions
- Integrated management and control software
- GPS and Compass integration
- Geodata software for recording, triangulation and management
DFP-1000B - The DFP-1000B is a DF processor/display unit that, in conjunction with an appropriate RDF Products DF antenna, economically adds radio direction finding capability to almost any receiver (via a 10.7 MHz or custom IF signal interface).
This receiver can be one already owned by the customer, or one of the readily available high-quality low-cost consumer-market communications receivers.
The DFP-1000B incorporates a real-time polar TFT bearing display (essential for mobile tracking and homing radio direction finding missions). The unit also features full RS-232 remote control capability.
DFR-1200B - The DFR-1200B is a self-contained, compact, easy-to-operate wideband HF/VHF/UHF radio direction finding receiver with a real-time polar TFT bearing display (essential for mobile tracking and homing radio direction finding missions).
This unit employs a premium wideband communications receiver for a full-featured high-performance DF system in a footprint small enough for even for mobile applications.
RDF Products DFR-1200B Wideband Radio Direction Finding Receiver
Df Antennas:
RDF Products offers a wide variety of mobile Adcock radio direction finding antennas covering various bands in the 20-1600 MHz range.
These weather-sealed units are rugged, compact, light-weight, and specifically designed for demanding mobile radio direction finding missions. They can be mounted on cars, vans, aircraft, or any platform with a sizeable metallic ground plane.
Both single- and multi-band configurations are available.
RDF Antenna-Mobile
Land Station DF Antennas:
RDF Products offers fixed-site mast-mounted Adcock radio direction finding antennas covering various bands in the 80-520 MHz range.
These rugged, weather-sealed units are specifically designed for permanent or transportable fixed-site radio direction finding missions and are readily mounted atop towers or masts.
RDF Products fixed-site radio direction finding antennas employ special isolation masts so that performance is independent of the supporting structure.
This is in sharp contrast to competing designs where performance is adversely and unpredictably affected by the presence of the supporting structure or changes in its height.
Both single- and multi-band configurations are available.
RDF Antenna-Land Station.